13 Best Cholesterol-Lowering Foods.

Cholesterol is a type of fat in your blood which is produced naturally by your body. It’s also found in some foods like eggs, offal (such as kidney and liver) and shellfish. Your body needs some cholesterol for it to work properly. When you have high cholesterol levels in the blood (also called hyperlipidaemia) it speeds up the process of atherosclerosis. This is when plaque builds up in your artery walls, making them narrower. This makes it hard for blood to flow through them, and over time it can cause a heart attack or stroke. Eating certain foods can help improve your cholesterol and overall heart health. The best place to start is to eat a wide variety of plant foods. These include: vegetables fruit legumes whole grains nut seeds. Eating plant foods will help you get a range of nutrients, heart-healthy fats and fibre. These all promote optimal heart health. Thanks for watching. Like the video. & subscribe the channel.❤❤ Share it with family and friends 💜💜