HOW TO COOK A KILLER EGYPTIAN FISH! Ingredients: 2 potatoes Bell pepper Green chili optional Half a bundle of dil Half a bundle of parsley Tomato sauce Tomato paste 2 onions Garlic Salt Pepper Cumin Paprika Garlic powder Coriander Season the fish Add vegetable oil to the tajine Then add the fish seasoned side down Add onion rings Garlic Bell pepper Chili Dill and parsley Add the paste to the tomato sauce Season the mixture with Salt, pepper, cumin, paprika, garlic powder, coriander Add the sauce to the tajine Add vegetable oil then vinegar Cover with parchment paper and foil Cook in an oven of 250 degrees 35 minutes The middle eastern cuisine is a subscribe click away as you'll find here your A to Z guide to cook the famous Middle East dishes.